About Departments
Staff Students
Quality unit Technology services unit
Media postgraduate studies
Graduates Events Researchs

Strategic objectives of the faculty:

1- Developing and improving the performance of the administrative system through updated organizational structure and a follow-up system, Automation services and putting comprehensive training program.

2- A distinct competitive graduate through the continuous development of learning programs and the use of new programs

3 - Provide a developed learning structure, and make nation protocols with productive and services sectors to enrich the educational process

.4 - The development of the research system through linking research plans with the problems of the society and industrial sectors

5 - Developing the performance of teaching staff, through providing training programs Suitable for actual needs .

6 - Increase the financial resources of the faculty to support education, and maximize the role of the productive unit .

7 - Activating the role of the faculty in community participation and community development through cooperation protocols between the faculty and institutions of the civil society.

8 - Spreading the awareness of beauty through the Museum of Modern Art, and its presence on the tourist map of the province

9 - Develop post graduate studies programs to cope with developments in the field of specialization and labor market needs.

10 - Improving the efficiency of students and graduates through improving policies and support graduates.

11 – Put a Clear and public mechanisms to evaluate the performance of faculty staff and their assistant according to an Internal Charter within the faculty.